Welcome to pandadoc’s documentation!

Pandadoc is a great way to integrate digital signatures in your application. This python package, brought to you by Alokin Software, provides the Pandadoc REST API in an easy pythonic form. It’s a simple implementation using python requests and its OAuth extension.

Also included is the pandadocs-tokentool wizard that helps you generate access tokens for use with server-side flows. It also serves as a good example for using the python module.

Here’s an example of how to use the pandadocs API with this module:

from pandadocs.api import Session

client_id = 'a202d5bc3e2bc7fc420e'
client_secret = '3e895239189456acfb339'
auth_code = '26j4017252t49wfe0399'

token = {
    u'access_token': u'54be934eb3fdf031ccadd2406f2',
    u'expires_at': 1499753835.037497,
    u'expires_in': 31535999,
    u'refresh_token': u'2x1dd5a32dtag90298c3b2214',
    u'scope': [u'read', u'write', u'read+write'],
    u'token_type': u'Bearer'

panda = Session(client_id=client_id, token=token)

for t in panda.iter_templates_pages():
    print t.json()

Indices and tables